منتديات اميه ونسه التعليمية

رياضيات . فيزياء .لغات .كل مايفيد الاستاذ و التلميذ وطالب العلم

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الاثنين، 2 يوليو 2018

قاعدة have , have got

القاعدة بسيطة جدا ...
وهي بالإنكليزي على الشكل التالي :

The verb have, among other functions, can be used to speak about possession, relationships and other states, and also to talk about actions and experiences.

When have is used to speak about possession, relationships and other states, it is possible to use both have and have got:

I have a house in the country.
I have got a house in the country.
I don’t have any brothers or sisters.
I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.
Do you have a cold?
Have you got a cold?

When have is used to talk about actions and experiences, have got is NOT possible:

She is having a shower at the moment (NOT She is having got a shower at the moment)
We are going to have a party next month (NOT We are going to have got a party next month)
They had an argument (NOT They had got an argument)

In practice, then, it is always possible to use have (without got), so if in doubt, you should use this structure.

The two structures are formed as followed:

I/you/we/they have got a cold.
He/she/it has got a cold.
I/you/we/they haven’t got a cold.
He/she/it hasn’t got a cold.
Have I/you/we/they got a cold?
Has he/she/it got a cold?

I/you/we/they have a cold.
He/she/it has a cold.
I/you/we/they don’t have a cold.
He/she/it doesn’t have a cold.
Do I/you/we/they have a cold?
Does he/she/it have a cold?

More information on the use of have and have got:

http://library.thinkquest.org/10679/eng ... g_ov2.html

Exercises & quizzes with have and have got:


وهذا الرابط إذا بدك تتأكد http://www.britishcouncil.org/learnengl ... ve-got.htm

وإذا بدك بشرحلك :إياها بالعربيعندما نستخدم "have" لنتكلم عن التملك , العلاقات أو عبارات أخرى يصح استخدام التعبيرين have , have got
I have a house in the country
I have got a house in the country.

ويمكن أن نفرق من خلال نفي الجملتين :
بأننا نستخدم باللغة البريطانية :I haven’t got any brothers or sisters
أما باللغة الأمريكية فاستخدام have and the forms with do , does , did
هي الطريقة الأكثر شيوعا" للنفي
I don’t have any brothers or sisters
نستخدم have وليس have got عندما نتكلم عن حدث ما
She is having a shower at the moment

Have got تستخدم عند التخاطب :He has got many friends
وفي هذه الحالة يصاغ النفي و الاستفهام على طريقة الأفعال المساعدة
.........He hasn't got
.?........Has he got

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